Sometimes you find yourself in a position of needing some simple Halloween activities to entertain kids. Whether it’s a class party, birthday party, play group, church activity, or just something to pass the time, these simple ideas will be just what you’re looking for.
Grab some inexpensive spider web and using a door frame, wrap it up and down the door to create a type of net. Then, let the kids use a plastic spoon to try and catapult a fake spider into the web and make it stay.
Using a cheap roll of plastic wrap, roll fun-size candy bars inside the plastic. Roll a few more times around the piece of candy, then add another piece. Continue this process until you have large ball with several pieces of candy. You can either let each child have their own and work to get as many pieces as they can in a certain amount of time, or have kids sit in a circle and pass the ball around until they each get a piece.
This is a really fun activity and all you need is cheap toilet paper! Have teams where one person is wrapping the toilet paper around the other person, making them look like a mummy. You could have timed races with many teams, or judged competitions where the best mummy wins. But however you chose to do it, this game is always a hit!
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things you already have around the house.
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