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Red, White, and Blue Drink


  • Clear glasses or Mason jars
  • Ice
  • Straws
  • Strawberry Daiquiri Margarita Mix (This is non-alcoholic)
  • Blue Gatorade (regular, not Gatorade Zero)
  • White Gatorade Zero
  • (Or any red, white, and blue drinks with varying sugar content)


  • Start by picking up a red drink, blue, drink, and white drink to layer together. The key here is to pick three drinks with varying sugar content. (The drink with the most sugar will sink to the bottom!) For example, the margarita mix has 45 grams of sugar per serving, the blue Gatorade has 21 grams of sugar per serving, and the white Gatorade Zero has 0 grams of sugar per serving.
  • Now it's time to get your glasses (or Mason jars) and fill them 3/4ths of the way full with ice.
  • Create the first layer by pouring in the drink with the highest sugar content. (In my case, that was the margarita mix.)
  • Add the next layer by pouring in the drink with the second highest sugar content. (Mine was the blue Gatorade.)
  • Pour in the drink with the least sugar. (Mine was the white Gatorade Zero.) Top with a straw, and enjoy!


Be careful not to mix the drinks or slosh them around too much, or the three colors will start to blend together!